Web Investigative Journalism
Although it missed Paul Jay's Independent World News television (perhaps because it's not fully operational yet), SplashCast has an interesting listing of web-based investigative journalism outfits and how they make their money. Here's the short list:
- Democracy Now!, a work of historic proportions, daily 1h broadcast funded by donations and filmed in NYC
- Alive in Baghdad the streets of Baghdad - solicit donations
- Alive in Mexico made by Small World News, just like the Baghdad show
- Talking Points Memo TV liberal political blog paid for by Next New Networks, which raised 8 million in venture capital
- Collateral News low-budget production by "irksome" Philly based Woodshop Films, who also make commercial video production;
The rest are "honourable mentions"
- Journeyman Pictures self-described as "London’s leading independent distributor of topical news features"
- People of the Web from Kevin Sites of the Hote Zone series
- Hot Air with Michelle Malkin "offensive content" (?)
- LinkTV "don't understand it, but it looks good" :)
- AlterNet - http://www.alternet.org/
- Guerilla News Network - http://gnn.tv/
- Indymedia - http://www.indymedia.org/
- The Other News - http://www.theothernews.com/
- What Really Happened - http://whatreallyhappened.com/ (censored by PayPal in 2003)
- Independent News
- More links